“The books that the world calls immoral are books that show the world its own shame.”
I've been a bit busy lately, so I haven't had a chance to write a review in a while. But suffice it to say that I loooooved Outlander, and it was everything I hoped it would be.
If you haven't read Outlander yet, please please do. Move it to the top of your TBR. Today. It is one of the best books I've read in a while, and it did not feel like 800 pages at all. If you haven't read it yet, please do not read my review. I think the book is better then less you know about it.
So please do not continue reading unless you have already read it. :)
Seriously, I was really pissed when I read spoilers. Part of the appeal of the book was the whole discovery of the details of Claire's situation, and watching as things unfold. Even knowing something fairly obvious, but knowing it ahead of time, really sort of puts a damper on things.
I loved Claire. Claire was modern and independent enough that I really related with her, and felt like the things that she was doing was what I would do if I were in the same situation.
And I looooooooved Jamie. From top to bottom, he really could do no wrong by me. He was the only character that made me LOL at some of his quips to Claire, and I thought he handled being with a modern woman pretty well. And, he is so accepting and understanding of her and her situation.
I also really was drawn to Geilie. I think you could write a whole book about Geilie and her story too. I wish there was more to her in Outlander. And the thieves pit scene was definitely traumatizing. Eeesh.
So, I had some questions at the end of the book.
First, what's up with Geilie? She was sort of thrown in there, but never really resolved. ((And, I'm probably 3/4 of the way through Dragonfly in Amber and still nothing, so WTF already))
Also, at the very beginning of the book, Frank sees a "ghost" outside the hotel. What was that all about? Is that some sort of traveler or something?
Definite two thumbs up!