“The books that the world calls immoral are books that show the world its own shame.”
This book was the first in a long time that made me stay up way past my bed time. I've read numerous stories of concentration camp survivors, and of people who were in hiding, but I've never read a story of a "U-Boat," Jews who hid in plain sight. This gave a completely new perspective, and also shed light on what it was like to be a civilian during this time. This is Edith's memoir of her early adulthood in Austria, and how she navigated the early 1940s as Jew, and survived. I can't say much about how she did that because that's the entire point of the story, but I will say that it was fascinating, and not something I've heard before, at least not as a long term survival strategy. She also gives her account of what conditions ordinary people were living in, what they knew and didn't know, and how life changed for the general population over the course of the war.
I find it hard to read war stories, particularly WWII stories. But I think I'd describe this more as a personal memoir during wartime, more about her own experiences, rather than the war itself. You can read her obituary which also gives a synopsis of the story as well.